The 1st Meeting of working group 2 of the COST Action CA21126 (Carbon Molecular Nanostructures in Space) network will be held in Edinburgh at the end of February, 2024. 

Location: University of Edinburgh, Scotland (United Kingdom)

Date: February 20 - 23, 2024 (talks will begin at 9am on 20th and end by 1pm on the 23rd)

Please note that there is no conference fee and registration is obligatory. You must first create a scienceconf.org account before you will be able to register.

Working group 2 focuses on the formation, excitation, relaxation and destruction pathways of nanocarbon species along with their chemical reactivity and role in carbon transport throughout space (https://research.iac.es/proyecto/nanospace/).

The meeting will bring together experts in laboratory experiments, theory and observations to discuss recent advances in understanding the role of nanocarbons in space. It will include 25 invited talks, along with contributed talks and poster presentations. One of the sessions will be dedicated to short presentations by young researchers (PhD students/early postdoc). A selection of short oral presentations will be made based on received abstracts.

Registration and abstract submission will open on November 30th, 2023; early registration is encouraged as spaces are limited.

One day will be a joint meeting between MD-GAS and NanoSpace.

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